Weekly News


22/07/2024 Weekly Community News

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, may the peace of the Lord be upon every family. Here comes the weekly community news. If you spot any error or mistake, please advise for amendment. If there is any news in your group, please write using the Weekly Community News format and send to CCCB Communications in WhatsApp or email to sacredheart@cccbrisbane.org.au by Friday each week. We will filter the information and announce in the Weekly News for you.


  1. Main Message: Sacred Heart Fun Sports Day

Date/Time: 11th August 2024 1pm – 5pm

Venue: Sacred Heart Centre 80 Nemies Rd, Runcorn

Details: In response to the Olympic spirit, after discussion with Fr. John and the some members, we have decided to hold a Sacred Heart Fun Sports Day on Sunday 11th August after mass from 1pm to 5pm. This sports day will take advantage of the Olympic momentum, combining tradition and innovation, to present a vibrant and joyful sports event.

The event will feature a variety of exciting activities, including ball relay, ball passing into a bucket, kangaroo jump, fun relay races, and other sports, which not only test physical fitness but also emphasise teamwork and coordination. We hope that through these activities, everyone can relax and enjoy the joy of sports amidst their busy lives, further strengthening the friendship between each other.

To encourage participation, the sports day will also feature individual champions for each event and first, second, and third prizes for the overall competition, along with exquisite prizes and surprise raffles. Whether you are a sports enthusiast or someone who enjoys cheering from the sidelines, you will find your own fun here. Let’s sweat together, feel the charm of sports, and share the joy of victory.

We warmly invite everyone to sign up. Sign up in groups of three, with self-arranged groupings suitable for all ages. Please register in the group chat or later with the organising team members. Let’s embrace the Olympic spirit together and welcome this infinitely joyful fun sports day!

CCCB Sports Day Team Leader John Feng


  1. Main Message: August community dinner and birthday celebration

Date/Time: 4th August 2024 5:30pm

Venue: Golden Lane at Sunnybank Plaza

Details: August community dinner and birthday gathering will be on 4th August 2024 at Golden Lane Restaurant at Sunnybank Plaza, the time is 5:30pm. Welcome to all brothers and sisters, new arrivals and birthday star of August to register your name in group chat.


  1. Main Message: Little Seedlings of Faith Project

Key Message: Every Sunday, the Faith Formation Group distributes a ‘Children’s Faith Weekly’ to the children within the community. The weekly includes key teachings from the day’s Gospel, comic introductions to the lives of saints, small games, and more.

Distribution targets: toddlers to primary school students (every three months, children can participate in a quiz game to receive small gifts). Parents are encouraged to enthusiastically register your children, allowing their seeds of faith to sprout and grow!

Registration details: Please register at the entrance of the centre after Sunday Mass or contact Hellene Yiu.


  1. Main Message: Weekly Spiritual and Social Activities
  2. Divine Mercy Prayer on Zoom https://zoom.us/j/91439533519?pwd=enZHVGNrWjV1NVJTbVZMN3VvY1kyZz09 Meeting ID: 914 3953 3519 Passcode: 635138.

Come and join our Divine Mercy Prayer meeting every afternoon! You Are Not Alone. You are welcome to send your prayer to us via the following link and we will pray for your intention. Prayer request Form Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1c3xfT1wSc3lalPJQgj7PVlqFJAXAgdy2FkuAUl594tw/edit

Daily Routine: 2:45pm On Zoom to begin; 2:50pm Intercession; 3:00-3:02pm Calvary Hour of Mercy 3 O’Clock Prayer then~ Divine Mercy Chaplet. For more information, please contact Lucia Loi.

  1. Tai Chi Class – Tai Chi class will be on from 9:30am to 12:00 noon every Monday. For more information, please contact Barbara.
  2. Weekday mass – Weekday mass are on every Tuesday and Saturday at 8:30am.
  3. Friday Community Night – Community Night will be on this week from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. Come along to join the night for playing table tennis, singing karaoke, and/or bring your dessert and have fun for gathering.
  4. Choir Practice – Sunday 9:45am
  5. Cantonese Rosary – 1st Saturday of each month from 3:30pm. Please bring a plate for sharing dinner after the gathering.


  1. Main Message: Sharing photos for Fr. John 30th Ordination Celebration

Details: Last Sunday, the community joyously celebrated Fr. John 30th anniversary of ordination and his 66th birthday. The event began in a cheerful atmosphere and ended with delights and admiration. Brothers and sisters who participated had a wonderful and unforgettable experience. We thank and praise the Lord for bringing the community together with love and job. We would like to share the day’s events here for your reviews and share to brothers and sisters who could not attend yesterday. We thank Martin’s work for capturing these beautiful moments for us. https://1drv.ms/f/s!AmYj3IFR3_7wgZhdPOucta_a6Kn4AQ?e=BVREO8

We also thank Raymund for his marvellous shots https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jgBrUXwrAm_hJyNTpsD4eRGU9GUP7cjb?usp=drive_link


  1. Main Message: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Date/Time: 28th July 2024 10:30am

Venue: Sacred Heart Centre 80 Nemies Rd, Runcorn

Details: Coming Sunday 28th July 2024 is 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Mass will be at 10:30am in Chinese (with English projection). Please arrive by 9:45am to help set up chairs for the Mass. We would appreciate it if you could enter the centre quietly from 10:15am and remain silent for 5 minutes before the Mass begins. For offertory, we welcome to be done via internet banking: Bank Details: BSB: 064786 A/C Number: 100026425 A/C Name: Chinese Catholic Community Brisbane. (Note as “Offertory”).


  1. Main Message: Multicultural Mass

Date/Time: 25th August 2024 at 2:00pm

Venue: Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Catholic Church – 24 Flint St, Inala

Details: This year’s Multicultural Mass of the Archdiocese of Brisbane will be held on Sunday, August 25, 2024, at 2:00 PM at the Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs Catholic Church, hosted by the Vietnamese community. The Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Mark Coleridge. We are grateful to the Vietnamese Catholic Community for providing their newly completed church as the venue for this year’s Multicultural Mass. After the Mass, there will be cultural performances, children’s games, and various refreshments. This is a special church event, so everyone is encouraged to participate. Traditional costume is welcome on the day. Please scan the QR code on the poster or use the following link to register. https://app.tickets.org.au/eb/MCM24 For more details, please contact the Archdiocese’s Liliana Ortiz at ortizl@bne.catholic.net.au.


All other community news will be available through our group chats and on our website. If you have not joined any of our group chats (WeChat, WhatsApp or LINE) to stay updated, please go to the entrance on Sunday before and after mass to ask for assistance from our other brothers and sisters. Alternatively, the QR codes are enclosed at the end of this news.

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